Sunday, November 14, 2010


Well, it finally happened. During my 12 years in the games industry I've manage to dodge being made redundant until now, though on a few occasions it was pretty close. Normally the signs were obvious and I made a break before things went completely down the toilet. In the situation at Monumental things were looking good for the future. But a series of unfortunate events meant that the company simply couldn't afford to pay us all. Two days after the announcement myself and 37 other unlucky souls were shown out the door on the Thursday the 11th November, 2010.

Now a new adventure begins! Where I will end up I have no idea. Ideally I want to remain in the UK if I can but I'm open to relocating anywhere there is good jobs to be had.

So we'll see how it all goes and if I'm lucky I'll be back into making games sooner rather than later.